ThreeBabies Photography by Ilyssa Maisano

Capturing the Moments of the People you Love

Monthly Archives: April 2018



How about these rock star parents who open up their second gym and have a baby all in one week?! What?!

It all goes back to middle school when I met this little cutie’s Daddy. Tim and I have known each other for years and naturally lost touch when we went to college. Thank goodness for FaceBook that reconnected us when his gorgeous wife was pregnant with their first baby. You can check out their NICU session here. Although it wasn’t a studio session, it was absolutely perfect at Overlook Hospital. The two were glowing with their sweet baby who I got to see again when his little brother, Dean was born!

The best part of this is that Erin contacted me a while back to schedule the session, I was beyond excited to see them again. Then right before the baby was born, Tim contacted me for the session! He had no idea they were already booked and yet he ALSO chose me to capture their sweet new family member.  I absolutely love it and their session was perfect. Dean was a dream baby that slept the entire time despite his 2 year old brothers best efforts ;).

Erin, & Tim, congrats on another perfect baby boy to complete your family,  congrats on your new gym CrossFit 908 Central (if you are in Westfield go check it out!), and best of luck with your new family of four.

