ThreeBabies Photography by Ilyssa Maisano

Capturing the Moments of the People you Love

Monthly Archives: July 2016

{Emerie Margaret}


This “job” of mine is pretty darn incredible.  Not only do I get to snuggle newness every day, but I get to snuggle newness that I LOVE. When friends choose me to capture this very short time in their newborn’s life, the very first week, I am always beyond honored.  To get to spend time with them, talking about their brand new love, and see how they just glow talking about them is incredible.

Emerie has an amazing family. Her big brother Landon is full of personality and at any moment will make his silliest face at me and stick out his tongue, and I crack up every time! Wesley is such a little sweet love that you just want to hug all day. Dustin is the most loving Daddy. The boys truly look up to him in every way and I couldn’t be more thankful that he is a part of our life.  Denise is truly one of the kindest people I have ever met.  Before I met her, I heard “rumors” about how nice she was and I said no one could possibly ever be that nice and happy all the time, I was wrong.  When Denise is surrounded by her husband Dustin, and three kids, her smile will light up a dark sky.  She puts everyone else before herself and would drop everything if I needed something.  Emerie is the luckiest little girl ever. She has two amazing brothers and incredible parents that love her to infinity.

Sweet girl, I cannot wait to watch you grow and my kids can’t wait to snuggle you to pieces. We love you Emerie Margaret.

{Mazie Pearl} 2 years old


To say that I am blessed to have Mazie in my life is the understatement of the year. I remember the day her mommy told me she was pregnant, I remember the day she was born, the first time I saw her in the hospital and one of the most amazing days was when her mommy and daddy asked my husband and I to be her Gd Parents. Just about the highest honor I could imagine for this little girl. I felt incredibly lucky to have her and her entire family in my life and that is a memory that will never fade.  I have watched her grow into a sassy, sweet, and spunky little 2 year old that goes with the flow, has SO much love for everyone around her and who’s smile lights up a room. Mazie Pearl I love you so much, Happy 2nd birthday my little firecracker baby!




I.Love.Twins. I remember as a kid always wanting twins. I also remember wondering if I would either dress them the same or give them the same name, it had to be one of those options and both made perfect sense to me! I got as close to twins as possible for me, but a friend I’ve known since nursery school has the real deal! Two adorable little boys that she held to full term! They are so content, so sweet, and so snuggly, I absolutely loved my time with them! They were the perfect little babies for their session and I can’t wait to share my favorites with you!

Randi & Tim, you both are so lucky to have started your family this way, with two perfect little guys.

Here are some images form {Z & C}’s session!



Long time no see! I have So many session to blog about, I love them all so much and in the midst of my busiest season ever (yay!) I’m going to play catch up!

First I want to share this adorable session that starts out with a love story of two people growing a baby, and then blooms into this gorgeous little boy making a family of three. This couple was beyond sweet and I’m so thankful to have photographed both their maternity and newborn session. Laura contacted me and told me she wanted to do her maternity photos at her mother in law’s home. I do most of my photography on my own property but jumped at the opportunity to explore something new. I am SO happy I did because the result was stunning. The red door, the tree passage, everything was incredible and so were Laura & Anthony as they anxiously awaited the arrival of their baby.

Fast forward to last week when I got the news that baby Leo was born! I couldn’t wait to get him in my studio, and he did not disappoint, one of the most easy going, relaxed, dream babies I have had to date. He was bendy and sleepy the entire time, what a dream!

Leo, you are one very lucky boy with some pretty amazing parents, the love between them is so obvious and I look forward to watching you grow!

Congratulations to Laura & Anthony on their baby boy ❤