ThreeBabies Photography by Ilyssa Maisano

Capturing the Moments of the People you Love

Monthly Archives: February 2015

{Exciting News!}


As you all know, Adoption is near and dear to my heart. Two of my four children are adopted domestically and they truly complete our world. We are so blessed to have them in our lives and have #adoption to thank for that (as well as so many people that came along on our bumpy journey).

Well, I have some exciting news….


I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I applied to be a photographer that will feature an adoptive family, well guess what, I was chosen! I could not be more excited and honored to be a part of this project hosted by Beauty Revived and to share the 50 most inspiring adoption stories through photographs! My work will be featured on, a site that I frequent.  I was selected alongside so many inspiring photographers and am completely honored to be a part of this journey with them.

That being said, I am offering a complete Family Photo Session free of charge which includes 30+ images from your session. If you would like to apply for the free session or nominate another family please contact me at! In the email please include your names, where you live and a picture of your sweet family along with a couple sentences about your adoption(s). I believe every adoption story is inspiring and special in their own way and I look forward to hearing from you! Winner will be selected on Friday March 6th. The winner will need to sign a photo release form to be featured on along with sharing their story.

{note: this is only for those of you who have finalized adoptions}

Please be sure to follow Beauty Revived on Instagram @iambeautyrevived and Facebook!



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Two blog posts in one night?! I am on a roll! While my heart is in newborn sessions, I do love to capture that time before the baby is born, the special moments leading up to having their child, the love they feel for each other that they are in this journey together.  The unknown, the anticipation, the excitement of a new baby coming into their lives, when that shows through a photograph I know I’ve done my job. When I smile while editing the photographs, I know I’ve done my job.

I had the privilege of capturing those moments for {Jennifer & Dan}. They were an absolutely sweet couple who shared a lot of laughs throughout the session. They were amazing enough to brave the 4 degree weather here in New Jersey and although we had to postpone several times, we went for it today and I am so happy that we did! We might have sunk a couple feet in the snow at times, but all worth it! {J & D} purchased my before and after plan which means I also get to meet their newborn in a few short weeks! I cannot wait to see this baby boy, he will be incredibly lucky coming into a family with so much love.

I hope you enjoy your pictures {J & D}!

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Back to blogging for me! I have had some absolutely incredible sessions lately and then came down with pneumonia so blogging is way behind, but first I’d like to introduce this little guy!

Shane’s mommies were my kids first babysitters ever after coming home from Alabama, I knew from that moment that they would make amazing parents one day. They proved me right, that is for sure! Lindsay and Kelli are the type of moms that work so well together, they feed off of each other, know what the other one needs when they need it and truly work as a team. The love they have for baby Shane is incredible as well. They are definitely my type of moms, adding some humor always helps and we certainly laughed through this session! Little Shane liked to mark his spot on every.single.prop. I used with him, he is SO lucky he is cute because I had a whole lot of laundry to do when he left 🙂

Introducing baby {Shane} at 10 days new.

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